I believe your career is like a journey. Travelling along the different paths you meet people that will help you succeed further in work life. In most people's field of work there is an interconnecting system of people, its like a massive spider web.The very popular form of communication is via the web, people are constantly exchanging information and help through this form of network.
When my mum decided I needed to shake of some of my energy she took me to my local dance school, it was my teacher there that was really my first point of network. I didn't even no you could go to a dance college and have a career as a professional dancer. I can remember being stunned at the fact that performing could actually be a job. My web started to grow bigger the day I started Performing Arts college, as I was meeting people who wanted to go into the same industry as me. Actually my very first dance teacher supported me into becoming a qualified dance teacher as without her I would have really struggled. The qualification that I wanted to gain I had to have a teacher(obviously a dance teacher herself) that knew me but also someone who believed that I would be capable of becoming a dance teacher myself.
I went to the last campus session titled "The Networked Professional" I gathered some very interesting information, and I found myself developing my current networks deeper. So for example I went onto facebook and searched my performing friends pages to see what other professional dance groups they were with. This then widens my professional network which increases my chances of being successful. I now understand that my network is constantly moving and changing,weaving and interweaving in different directions. I honestly didn't realise how much I depended on my current networks and what a difference they have made to my career so far. I found it easier to bullet point all my current networks and to have alittle think about how i can enhance them and what possibilities they can bring.
Friends-We make a living by what we get;we make a life by what we give."
-Winston Churchill-
I didn't acknowledge how much i needed my friends for my career. I am constantly calling them for new contacts,help with songs, or even if they know of any jobs available. I am a great believer in making friends as you travel through life not just keeping the ones you grew up with, so alot of my friends are people I have met at training school, jobs or auditions. I feel as long as you help them they will help you, as at the end of the day we all have similar goals and aims. What I keep thinking about is if it wasn't for certain friends of mine I could be in a completely different place. Alan Durrant mentioned on a blog "Part of my professional network strategy is to nurture‘professional friendships’ I really liked this and i agree. Commit and stable a professional friendship,be generous, and you can almost guarantee something will come of it and if it doesn't you always have a good friend.
Social networking sites
I feel like I couldn't live without"certain" technologies for my professional but also my private life. I am constantly interacting with friends within the business and it would be alot harder without this incredible source. Doing this course has made me look more in depth at the possibilities of the wonderful world of web 2.0 and what it can bring to my carear as a performer.
Working for the same employers
I believe it is really important to have a good reputation in my line of work. The dance world really is about "getting your foot in the door"I no it sounds cheesy and obviously you do need to have some talent, but once you are in a network your position as a dancer does feel more settling. I do get a little slack and I do sometimes just assume certain companys will just keep using me but actually a few e-mails will keep the network fresh.
I learn alot from my agent and he is somewhere in the centre of my newtwork web. He after all is the one who mainly gets me the audions,tells me about casting directors and where my career should be heading. I do feel I should see him more often as talking to someone face to face does produce a better connected realtionship.
I always worry about working away (for a long time) as I feel once you are out of the auditioning circuit sometimes you can be forgotten. You forever see the same faces at auditions and classes and you almost start to feel at home. When I got my first job straight out of college I will always remember one teacher saying to me "is it a good idea to leave the country now when you should be getting your face out there to be known" I do have missed opinions about this. The industry constantly changes so you need to keep up to date, also you do need to keep your face known to casting directors but at the same time we all need work and sometimes you have to leave the face 2 face network behind.
I have invested in a Blackberry phone to enable constant contact with a wide network of people. The amazing creation of the Blackberry means not only can I call someone but I can e-mail,instant message and even facebook people. I never feel alone as all my networks are on my phone!!!
Contacts book/Spotlight
I mentioned the contacts book at the last campus session as being a really good source of information. Most casting directors are in there so what more would you want!
I mentioned the contacts book at the last campus session as being a really good source of information. Most casting directors are in there so what more would you want!
I feel I have a very comfortable and trusting network. Having been in the "performing world" for 6 years I understand you have to be professional and hardworking but always be genuine and true to yourself,never be GOOD friends with someone just for a job! Yes of course there are people in my network that I don't necessary know that well but some of my best jobs have been from the outer circle of my spiders web! Just thinking actually I bumped into Carly (who is doing this BAPP course)in pineapple and we were talking about a certain company that she would never recommend. I feel really thankful that I networked with her on the lst campus session as I then felt confident enough to trust the information she was given me.