Just before I write this blog I have to say I did ask the people involved in this little funny story if I could write this for the world to see. I am going to try and re-call it as best as I can but I have to admit it's one of those story's you have to know the people and obviously have to be there for the full effect for bags of laughter.
Tonight me and a few colleagues who I am working with went out for a few drinks. We were all chatting away and we started talking about the contract in general, about the people we were working with and impressions we had made on the directer etc... overall I feel we are a very strong cast and an audience would be very impressed with the show. One of the dancers then replied "well I will never get the chance to work for this company again" at which I got very baffled as he is a fabulous dancer he just lacks confidence. He then continued to say "well I have really damaged my chance up as a dancer as I got a note (from the director) that I messed up the ghost gag on tuesday's show" (he was honestly being serious) I automatically burst into laughter as a note from the director about a ghost gag in a pantomime which lasts approximately 30 seconds is not going to STOP your career as a performer. I guess when you are completely fresh out of college any little "hiccip" would give you a sleepless night, which then got me reflecting on what I was like new into the business.
After this little episode which did tickle me (alot) it got me thinking about alsorts.Confidence does make people seem more experienced and knowledgeable. My friend always says "everyone is always afraid to an extent that one day they will get caught out, that really they don't no what they are doing, however confidence will always hide that fear" I love this as it's so true. I always believe that if you seem emphatic to directors then naturally they become convinced that you must be good and you can almost become on a level with them.
The business is all about hierarchy,we all have our rank depending on experience but also position's in the industry.However I do feel if you are on the bottom ladder it doesn't mean you are not as good as the person on the top,its just a progression!