Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Social Constructionism- Social constructivists believe that reality is constructed through human activity!

A newspaper would read very differently depending on society, infact there wouldn't be anything to write if it wasn't for us. "The world is of course out objectively out there,but how we come to understand it is a construction or creation of our own making"(The Networked Professional Reader 2010/11) Facebook (for exp) is an absolutely massive intricate network formed due to us.This network is a large social constructivism. Everyone's connections are weaving and interweaving over one another. Everyone has there on individual network however we are all linked in some way. Some people in my network I barely no but I might need them in the future and then a stronger bond in the network will be formed. We make the choices how we want our network to be shaped, we are in control of our own development.Some of my networks don't really exist, if I need it for my professional career I can build it. We have to frame our networks, it doesn't happen naturally,we are the ones who create and form the bonds.

We create meanings, beliefs, inventions that are important aspects to our everyday life's. Nothing would exist if it wasn't for social constructivism and everyday we develop and bring to existence more. One person didn't invent the London eye did they? No social interaction would of taking place,idea's shared and of course social constructivism. "One of it's key principles is that through social interaction, humans "construct"meanings of the world and there experiences of it"(The Networked Professional Reader 2010/11)

Mark Iles mentioned in one of his blogs "I like the idea that in order to fully grasp something you have to make it part of your experience" If you think about it when you are born you aren't christened to be a plumber or an artist, you decide, you make your own future. To find that future you have to pass hurdles and learn from experience. I always think its really strange that maybe I could in fact actually be a world-class jockey, however, unless I experience it how would i actually no? or maybe a lawyer?

Ross Dunning quotes "We can’t just expect our networks to grow and develop by themselves we have to help by constructing them with new contacts, new ideas or new ways of thinking" If i didn't do all the exploring and researching then I wouldn't have a job today. You have to build, develop and maintain to succeed in this hard but rewarding industry!

Ross Dunning Blogspot- Accessed- 15/12/10

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