Monday, October 4, 2010

Let me introduce myself...

This course has been at the forefront of my mind for several years. However, due to the unpredictability of my career as a performer, work commitments have arisen sporadically. My ambition to further my career teaching GCSE and A Level dance is the reason I enrolled on this course.

It wasn't until this year that the direction I am heading, career-wise, came into a definite focus. Having recently started my own business and, having seen the hard work I have engineered bear fruition, I feel ready to enlist myself into a year of (hopefully!) rewarding educational success.

I am coming to the end of my contract as a dancer on board a cruise ship which means internet access is a little tricky. We have just sailed away from Shanghai heading towards South Korea and afterwards, Japan.

Tonight's show was quite eventful as the Yellow Sea was throwing us left, right and centre...but don't worry, I managed to cling onto the centre spot. This is the reason why my friends christened me the moniker Stacey "Solo" Wilson, due to my lack of spacial awareness and etiquette on stage!

Now I am perusing others' blogs, seeing who's who, and I'm very curious to meet you all. I like that there is a mix of characters- I think we will certainly bring interesting dynamics to our degree!

1 comment:

  1. Hello Stacey. I have been spending most of my day trying to familurise myself with everyones blogs, which I must say is proving to be a long task! I find it very interesting that you are doing a cruise in that part of the world. Do you get much time off to see the countries at all? I look forward to meeting you at one of the sessions.
